18 April 2007

minä pidän Stockmannista

It may not have the lowest prices on anything, but it is true that Stockmann does have just about everything, and whatever you buy there will be of good quality. In the last few days I've picked up the correct power cord for my camera battery charger (much cheaper than buying an adapter), a Finnish grammar book (in English), a 23cm drop-forged full-tang high-carbon knife (I'd forgotten how frustrating it is to cook with bad cutlery), a sketchbook, chestnut purée, several types of bread, a couple of karjalanpiirakkaa (far better than the frozen ones from S-Market)...and, most importantly, a Stockmann kanta-asiakas (loyal customer) card!

1 comment:

A+ said...

oooh - could you look into Finnish cutlery? How exquisite.