29 April 2007


Finland has some very good breads - maybe too many, as the bread you like today might not be available tomorrow. Case in point: limppu from the Maalahden Limppu company. I bought a loaf of this wonderful rye bread a few days ago but can't find it again. I did try another brand of limppu, but that one contains oil and sunflower seeds and tastes horrible.

The Maalahden version is a dark, moist, flavorful loaf about 5 x 5 x 20 cm. It's like gingerbread in texture, but not taste; it's not spicy nor particularly sweet. According to the woman handing out samples, it was made originally for sailors (Maalahti is on the west coast, just south of Vaasa).


Anonymous said...

That's funny - I encountered another load recently that was dark, moist and flavorful, and about that size...

Eric Henyey said...

Ah, that must have been mämmi. Thanks for pointing out the typo (now corrected). By the way, I have now found out that Stockmann (of course) sells this bread.