09 April 2007


There are various types of bread in the stores here, but the most interesting is a flat rye bread (not cracker) with a large hole in the middle. It's round, about 20-25 cm in diameter and 2-3 cm thick, and is sold sliced into two layers. Sometimes it's also scored into six wedges. Like baguettes in France, this bread is ubiquitous, inexpensive, and invariably good. My favorite so far is the one made by the Salonen bakery; it's a little plumper and softer than the others, and has a taste that is at once purer and more complex. It's made with rye flour, water, and salt, but nothing else; some brands use additional ingredients. I've been eating it for breakfast with butter and cloudberry jam: the cloudberries have a tropical fruit flavor that goes well with the rye.


libby said...

cloudberry is the thing in the world i am most allergic to - be careful! actually, if your face hasn't broken out in a rash by now, i'm sure you are fine :)

Anonymous said...

I knew you would love cloudberry jam...or is it the only kind they sell? I left a jar on the counter the entire time you were here and then forgot to tell you. It will probably be gone by the time you get back.

Anonymous said...

It is also excellent when soaked in a soup (noodle, meat, veggie..). Rip the piece of bread into spoonsize-lumps and put it into your soup plate.

Eric Henyey said...

Good idea! I'll make some soup this week - maybe reindeer, as I have a reindeer sirloin in the fridge and am not sure what to do with all of it.